The cover must be: A4 portrait size, a margin/border is possible, and must include the title 'EQUAL UNDER THE HEAVENS - ASEICA 2018-2019'. Please do not sign your name on the design, if selected, you will be given credit elsewhere, inside!
The Yearbook team cannot guarantee your work will be included in this year's yearbook.
Remember: clear and colorful design attract the eye. Too many details are confusing. Unclear lettering interferes with the overall design. Original designs that capture the theme are preferable to computer-generated copies of already published work.
High quality scanned/digital artwork should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with words 'cover contest' and your name in the subject heading. In the mail, please be sure to include: your name, class, school and your english/history-geography teacher. If your are unable to scan your design, please contact the Yearbook team well before the deadline.
The winner(s) will be announced by email.
Thank you,
The Yearbook team